Trees: Hamburg
An app that shows the street trees of Hamburg along with their location, species and other information.
Photo by Freepik
An app that hides the For You tab for Twitter to allow you to escape the time-sucking vortex of unrelated content.
I began my Twitter journey back in 2007, and over the years, it transformed into a platform I frequented daily. It became my hub for learning, connecting with intriguing individuals, and even served as the avenue through which I stumbled upon my first internship and first girlfriend. However, my relationship with Twitter was far from consistently positive.
Upon relocating from Turkey to Germany, I decided to part ways with my Twitter account, mainly due to its increasingly demanding nature. With a substantial following of over 2,000, I found myself dedicating excessive time to the platform, oversharing, and becoming easily distracted.
Following the initiation of my podcast, Farklı Düşün, I made the choice to create a fresh Twitter account. Initially, I followed people I knew and whose content I enjoyed. Nonetheless, as time passed, my timeline began to fill with unrelated and time-consuming content, leaving me with a sense that I was not gaining much value from my Twitter experience. The introduction of the “For You” tab, which Twitter made mandatory, exacerbated my feeling of falling into a content abyss whenever I visited the platform.
This led me to believe that Twitter could become a more beneficial space if I could somehow hide the “For You” tab. In response, I took matters into my own hands and developed an application that would conceal this feature when using Safari to access Twitter. While there were existing browser extensions for Safari that allowed users to hide specific CSS elements on websites, they often required access to my entire browsing history, a level of privacy invasion I was uncomfortable with. Thankfully, I discovered a solution known as a Content Blocker, which operates without needing access to browsing data.
With this in mind, I set out to create an application that functioned as a content blocker, and thus, “Not For Me” was born. Its operation is straightforward: install the extension, activate it before switching to the “Following” tab on Twitter, and voilà, the “For You” tab is hidden. This way, you can enjoy Twitter without the distraction of unrelated content.
P.S: Particularly after the takeover by Melon Tusk, my disdain for Twitter grew, leading me to the decision to delete my account.