I’ve been living Hamburg since 2018 and enjoying every moment of it. I’ve worked at the big companies like XING and Shopify and right now I’m working at a startup called eaze.
I’ve started my career as a backend developer (Ruby, Ruby on Rails), but I’ve been working as a full-stack developer for the last 3 years, mostly with React Native and TypeScript. I’m also interested in iOS development and I’ve been learning Swift/SwiftUI for a while to build my own apps.
I like reading books, discovering new places in Hamburg, being in nature, cycling, blogging, podcasting and cooking. I’m into minimalism, stoicisim, environmentalism, and financial independence.

I’m vegatarian since 2020 and I can say that it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Being vegatarian helped me to discover new foods, learn new recipes, and be more creative in the kitchen. I can cook dishes from different cuisines like Turkish, Italian, Mexican, Asian, and German. I’ve a long list of restaurants that I want to try in Hamburg and I try to visit a couple of places when I travel to a new city. Of course, finding a good bakery is always my priority.
I really appreaciate good food and I also think that good food doesn’t have to be expensive.

What makes me happy in this life is learning new things, understanding how things work, and knowing why we do certain things. I’m a curious person and therefore I read a lot of books to satisfy my curiosity. Instead of specializing in one topic, I like to learn different things and connect them to each other. I believe that this approach helps me to be more creative and come up with new ideas. Therefore, I can say that I’m a generalist.
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Steve Jobs
I’ve been blogging since 2008, but I’ve never been consistent. I’m hoping that this time I’ll be able to write more often. You will find articles about software development, books, productivity, minimalism, product reviews, life in Germany, environmentalism, travelling, food, cycling and personal finance on this blog.