User:Franz van Duns/Sandbox
Userboxes | ||||||||
[edit]This is my personal sandbox.
I use it to try out operations within the wiki universe and, in part, also reaching to sites beyond th scope of wiki. It is thus subject to any kind of change at any time.
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[edit]Commons:Quality images/Subject/Plant life
Commons:Quality images/Subject/Plant life/Flowers
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[edit]{{Reply to|user-name}}
This template takes advantage of the new user mention notification to ping the user(s) you are replying to in a discussion (so you don't have to use the {{talkback}} template).
It works on any talk page or Project namespace page. It also works on the Support Desk.
This template is particularly helpful in discussions that are not threaded, to indicate which user's comment is referenced. If you feel that this template unnecessarily personalizes the discussion, you may still use the {{talkback}} template on the user's talk page to indicate that you have replied to a comment.
Note that it isn't necessary to use this template to ping (indicate) the user if you are already linking to their username from your post.
Single recipient
[edit]To use it, just add something like the following to an existing discussion:
{{reply to|User1}} Exemplary message text. ~~~~
For example, ":{{reply to|user-name}} Message text." displays as:
@user-name: Message text.
The comment must be signed and belong to a section in order for the notification to work.
Multiple recipients
[edit]You can reply to up to 5 people at once:
{{reply to|User-1|User-II|User-C}} Message text. ~~~~
[edit]{{ping}} {{replyto}} {{mention}}
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[edit]Template:W#Localization, see table "Complex page name examples".
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Please do not upload a modified image here without consultation with the Author. The author would like to make corrections only at his own source. This ensures that the changes are preserved. |
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[edit]Copied from "File:Josephinische Landaufnahme pg022.jpg" for test purposes.
Name shown on the map Nume din hartă |
Administrative unit Unitate administrativă |
Romanian name Numele românesc |
Hungarian name Numele unguresc |
German name Numele german |
Country today Ţara de astăzi |
Olah Lapos, Ol. Lápos | Belső-Szolnok megye | Lăpuş | Oláhlápos | Romania | |
Tőkes, vel Grass | Belső-Szolnok megye | Groşii Ţibleşului | Tőkés | Romania |
[edit]Description |
English: Grand Duchy of Transylvania, 1769-1773. Josephinische Landaufnahme pg.022 Română: Harta Iosefină a Transilvaniei, 1769-1773. Josephinische Landaufnahme pg.022 |
Date | between 1769 and 1773 | ||||
Source | Österreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv, B IX 715: Original-Aufnahmskarte des Grossfürtenthums Siebenbürgen. Geometrisch aufgenommen und bearbeitet in den Jahren 1769 bis 1773 unter der Direction des Obristen von Fabris, theils durch Officiere des grossen Feld-Generalstabes, theils auch von verschiedenen aus dem in Siebenbürgen bequartierten Regimentern zu diesem Geschäfte beigezogenen Individuen | ||||
Author | Historische Militärkarte der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie | ||||
Permission (Reusing this file) |
Clickable Map of the Grand Duchy of Transylvania
Category:Josephinische Landaufnahme
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[edit]- Link to the
Josephinische Landesaufnahme. Senzitive map of the Grand Duchy of Transylvania, 1769-1773. (Click on the desired quadrant)
And here is the code for this clickable map for analysis:
Category:Clickable maps Category:Templates related to Romania
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![]() | This user has uploaded 1 featured picture to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded 11 quality images to Wikimedia Commons. |
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: | Lågstadiet — Mellanstadiet — Högstadiet — Gymnasiet |
[edit]- »
Arachnida ·
Diptera ·
Hymenoptera ·
Lepidoptera ·
Odonata ·
arthropodes ·
poissons ·
amphibiens ·
reptiles ·
oiseaux ·
Accipitriformes ·
Anseriformes ·
Charadriiformes ·
Passeriformes ·
Pelecaniformes ·
mammifères ·
Artiodactyla ·
Carnivora ·
autres ·
Bones and fossils ·
Shells ·
Animals in their habitats
Aliments et boissons
Conquête spatiale
Images historiques
Phénomènes naturels
Other lifeforms
Photo techniques
Plantes et champignons
Autres images fixes non photographiques
Images animées
[edit]Computer-generated ·
Entertainment ·
Exteriors ·
Maps ·
People ·
Printed media ·
Religion ·
Scientific art ·
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[edit]Example of how to use Collections and Metacategories
[edit]![]() |
The images in this collection have been assessed according to Valued images guidelines. |
Number VIs |
2,115 |
User | Category | Number VIs ![]() |
User:1Veertje | Category:Valued images by User:1Veertje | 10 |
User:99of9 | Category:Valued images by User:99of9 | 19 |
User:Archaeodontosaurus | Category:Valued Images by Archaeodontosaurus | 12,560 |
These seemingly ONLY function when embedded within another category (my conclusion this far):
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[edit]Historical Cameras:
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[edit]![]() | This user has uploaded files to Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded images to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded quality images to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded valued images to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded featured pictures to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() |
![]() | This user has uploaded videos to Wikimedia Commons. |
![]() | This user has uploaded sounds to Wikimedia Commons. |
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[edit]Unsuccessful Effort to display the image chosen as POTD (English, French, and other Wikis, but NOT German!) from a different Wiki
Wiki Commons
CONCLUSION: It is simply not possible to call the template "Template:Pic of the day" defined within the English (or French) Wikipedia from another Wiki, including from Wiki Commons. as here.
(POTD - Picture of the Day on the French wikipedia) "Image du jour" |
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[edit]The full code of a highly usable "User template", which I copied from "User:XRay/Templates/Location" with the explicit permission by user:XRay: "If you like the template, please copy the source and create your own template in your user space.".
This is a user-specific template!
Please do not modify this template.
It was made for personal use by XRay only.
The user may modify the template at any time.
If you like the template, please copy the source and create your own template in your user space.
|other_fields_1 = User:ZZZZ/Templates/Location
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![]() |
This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 14 August 2019. It was captioned as follows: English: Ankogel (3,252 metres (10,669 ft)) in the High Tauern National Park – view from Stappitz in the Seebach Valley near Mallnitz, Carinthia, Austria Other languages:
Čeština: Hora Ankogel (3 252 m n.m.) v pohoří Vysoké Taury v Rakousku, pohled z místa Stappitz v údolí Seebach. Deutsch: Ankogel (3252 m) im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern – Ansicht von Stappitz im Seebachtal bei Mallnitz, Kärnten, Österreich English: Ankogel (3,252 metres (10,669 ft)) in the High Tauern National Park – view from Stappitz in the Seebach Valley near Mallnitz, Carinthia, Austria Español: Vista del Ankogel (3252 metros) en el parque nacional Hohe Tauern, desde Stappitz en el valle de Seebach, cerca de Mallnitz, Carintia, Austria. Magyar: Az Ankogel (3252 m) látképe a Magas-Tauern Nemzeti Parkban a Stappitz felől a Seebach-völgyben (Mallnitz, Karintia, Ausztria) Português: Montanha Ankogel (3 252 metros) no parque nacional do Alto Tauern, visto do Stappitz no vale de Seebach, perto de Mallnitz, Caríntia, Áustria Македонски: Планината Анкогел (3.252 м) во венецот Високи Таури гледана од долината кај Малниц во Корушка, Австрија. |
![]() |
This image was selected as picture of the day on Wikimedia Commons for 14 August 2019. It was captioned as follows: English: Ankogel (3,252 metres (10,669 ft)) in the High Tauern National Park – view from Stappitz in the Seebach Valley near Mallnitz, Carinthia, Austria Other languages:
Čeština: Hora Ankogel (3 252 m n.m.) v pohoří Vysoké Taury v Rakousku, pohled z místa Stappitz v údolí Seebach. Deutsch: Ankogel (3252 m) im Nationalpark Hohe Tauern – Ansicht von Stappitz im Seebachtal bei Mallnitz, Kärnten, Österreich English: Ankogel (3,252 metres (10,669 ft)) in the High Tauern National Park – view from Stappitz in the Seebach Valley near Mallnitz, Carinthia, Austria Español: Vista del Ankogel (3252 metros) en el parque nacional Hohe Tauern, desde Stappitz en el valle de Seebach, cerca de Mallnitz, Carintia, Austria. Magyar: Az Ankogel (3252 m) látképe a Magas-Tauern Nemzeti Parkban a Stappitz felől a Seebach-völgyben (Mallnitz, Karintia, Ausztria) Português: Montanha Ankogel (3 252 metros) no parque nacional do Alto Tauern, visto do Stappitz no vale de Seebach, perto de Mallnitz, Caríntia, Áustria Македонски: Планината Анкогел (3.252 м) во венецот Високи Таури гледана од долината кај Малниц во Корушка, Австрија. |
- Menger Sponge after four iterations.
- Menger-Schwamm.png used on Template:Potd/2010-01-03.
- Russian honor guard at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Alexander Garden welcomes Michael G. Mullen 2009-06-26 2.jpg
- Menger Sponge after four iterations. *==== Doesn't seem to work
used on Template:Potd/2010-01-03. *==== OK, full size
*==== OK, full size
- A Template:Potd
- B
*==== OK, full size
- C
} *==== No reduction in size.
- D file:Menger-Schwamm.png *==== OK, full size
- E
Picture of the day |
![]() |
The Seehornsee in the Berchtesgaden Alps. On the right the normal route to the Seehorn. +/− [en]
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[edit]BEACHTE: Das Template "[[Commons:|considered]]" wird auf dieser Seite nicht aufgelöst! Muss womöglich eine "image"-Seite sein, denn dort funktioniert's.
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[edit]This stitched image is of exemplary quality:
- See original page: file:St.-Josefs-Kirche,_Frankfurt-Höchst,_Nave_view_20190921_1.jpg
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[edit]- Aufgenommen in Mai 2020.
- Interpretation der Höhenangaben in Viertel-Zoll, getrennt für Sommer and Winter:
Sommer |
Winter |
28 1/2 |
Sehr trocken |
Very dry |
28 1/2 |
Starker Frost |
Very cold 'great frost' |
- Sommer
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[edit]Attempt at establishing an Infobox in the same manner as establish in (the English) Wikipedia:
Search for Franz van Duns/Sandbox on Wikidata
Create new Wikidata item
Search for Franz van Duns/Sandbox on Wikidata
Create new Wikidata item
Upload media End of test area 21
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[edit]- Copied from page "User:Benoit Rochon/Potd" for analysis.
- Discovered this code when checking usage of my image "Groove and needle in close embrace from beginning to end.jpg" on "Samedi, 5 décembre 2020" on various Wiki Commons pages. Discovered that a French version was lacking (only "[en] Initial and final positions of the stylus on a record sitting on a turntable" available): Créer la version française Outil de traduction
- I hope to learn more about Wiki Commons programming by analysing
Lundi, 30 décembre 2024
[en] Wedge-tailed grass finch (Emberizoides herbicola) in Terenos, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
[fr] Un Grand Tardivole (Emberizoides herbicola) à Terenos, dans l'état de (Brésil).
When attempting to create the page "Template:Potd/2020-12-05 (fr)" my contribution was rejected: Notice: You do not have the permissions required to make this contribution. Please note that only autopatrolled users can create Picture of the day (POTD) and Movie of the day (MOTD) descriptions at this point in time. Please make an edit request on the page's talk page.
{{Potd description|1=Photographie à double exposition d'une platine tourne-disques montrant le phonocapteur au début et en fin de lecture du disque microsillon.|2=fr|3=2020|4=12|5=05}}
<!- - I am the author of this image. I noticed that a French translation was missing on your page. This is the translation supplied by an unknown contributor when this image, to my great surprise, was presented as POTD for "édia:Image_du_jour/5_juin_2019". I neither speak more than a few phrases of French nor can I compose anything in French, but I do hope that the above translation will suffice or at least give a head start for the intended purpose. Feel absolutely free to correct, alter, or delete this entry. - ->
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[edit]Following content now included on Franz van Duns' user page.
[edit]Trying to include the miniaturised Wikipedia icon (20x20px) in a link to Wikipedia from within Wikimedia Commons.
How to reference an image stored in Wikimedia Commons from within Wikipedia:
- [[commons:File:Sigma 135mm F1.8 DG HSM A Canon EF lens & compatible Sigma MC-11 Mount Converter.jpg|135 mm F1.8 DG HSM [A]]]
How to include a hyperlink into an logo image (idea: display only the logo itself but enable a link to a Wikipedia / Wikimedia site when clicked):
[edit]Displaying ONLY a miniaturised Wikipedia icon (20x20px) that links to Wikimedia / Wikipedia article from within Wikimedia Commons.
[edit]POTD (Picture of the Day)
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[edit]- [1] ==>> OK, supplies a link
- File:1qo1 stereo.png?uselang=de ==> NOK
- de:File:1qo1_stereo.png ==> OK
- When this page is displayed in standard mode, all text within a template obstinately refer to the English text only. This is true, even if the template is applicable in another Wikipedia.
- To force a language switch one must leave the precincts of Wikipedia and enter the URL to the page containing the template AND add a language-related parameter call ?uselang=language_identifier, e.g. ?uselang=de as follows:
- This done, voila, the template is displayed in the desired language.
- Note: when referring to individual sections one must place the ?uselang=de statement before the "#"-operator within the URL.
- Example (refers to exactly this section):
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses the side-by-side parallel-view method. The left frame shows the left eye's perspective, and the right frame the right eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by diverging your eyes to visually combine the frames, or a stereoscope may be used.
{{Stereoscopic 3D|parallel}} ==> VALID call
- {{:de:Stereoscopic 3D|parallel}} {{:de:Stereoscopic 3D|parallel}} ==> INVALID, I had intended to display the German version!
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses the side-by-side parallel-view method. The left frame shows the left eye's perspective, and the right frame the right eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by diverging your eyes to visually combine the frames, or a stereoscope may be used.
{{Stereoscopic 3D|lang=de|parallel}} ==> VALID cal, parameter "lang=" is simply ignored
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses the side-by-side parallel-view method. The left frame shows the left eye's perspective, and the right frame the right eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by diverging your eyes to visually combine the frames, or a stereoscope may be used.
{{Stereoscopic 3D | parallel}} ==> VALID call
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses the side-by-side cross-view method. The left frame shows the right eye's perspective, and the right frame the left eye's perspective. It might be possible to view this image without a viewing device by crossing your eyes to visually combine the frames.
{{Stereoscopic 3D | cross-eye}} ==> VALID call
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses an anaglyphic method of stereoscopic 3D presentation which is unspecified or unrecognized by this template. (If a suitable option is available, please add or correct the parameters to indicate the type of anaglyph used.) Some type of two-color 3D glasses are recommended to view this image correctly.
{{Stereoscopic 3D | anaglyph}} ==> VALID call
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. 3D red-cyan glasses are recommended to view this image correctly.
{{Stereoscopic 3D | red-cyan}} ==> VALID call
This file is a stereogram. Stereograms are stereoscopic images or animations which combine left and right frames showing slightly different visual angles to allow for 3D perception. The stereogram uses wiggle stereoscopy, which quickly oscillates between the left and right frame (and sometimes intermediate frames) to create an illusion of 3D perception without requiring stereoscopic vision or devices.
{{Stereoscopic 3D | wiggle}} ==> VALID call
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[edit]Original Code
[edit]This message box is using an invalid "type=featured" parameter and needs fixing.This documentation is transcluded from User:Franz van Duns/Sandbox/doc.
Modified Code
[edit]This message box is using an invalid "type=featured" parameter and needs fixing..
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[edit]- BEGIN SDC_statement_has_value
[edit]This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.- You are free:
- to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to remix – to adapt the work
- Under the following conditions:
- attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- share alike – If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same or compatible license as the original.
- Copied from page "User:Benoit Rochon/Potd" for analysis.
Description English: A natural arrangement of bright yellow Ginkgo biloba leaves, all attached to the end of a twig. The impressively vivid yellow colouring against an almost pitch-black background is caused by translucent illumination of autumn sunlight.Deutsch: Eine natürliche Anordnung von hellgelben Blättern des Ginkgo biloba Baums, an einem gemeinsamen Zweig. Die durchscheinende Herbstsonne erzeugt eine beeindruckend kräftige Gelbfärbung vor dem tiefschwarzen Hintergrund.Date Source Own work Author Franz van Duns Permission
(Reusing this file)Hmmmm:
><- END SDC_statement_has_value
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[edit]Colour Management / JPEG / RGB
NOTE: According to the JPEG-specification JPGs may contain 12- or 16-bit colour information, but only the 8-bit variant has ever been implemented.- Colour management for browsers
- de: Farbverwaltung im Browser
- JPG wird IMMER mit 8 Bit Farbtiefe abgespeichert
- This file is rendered in ProPhoto colour space: File: ProPhotoTest.png.
- It displays a short text set to the RGB colour (200,150,100) in the ProPhoto color space.
- It should be displayed on an sRGB screen as a RGB triple (196,142,88) with somewhat lesser values.
- If displayed onscreen still as RGB (200,150,100) then the colour rendition of either the computer, the monitor, or the software programme is incorrect.
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[edit]Reply to: File:2021-04-11 - Snail shell in comparison to pinhead - DSG4160-1 (magnif. ratio 3.0x).jpg: Revision history structured data: county "This statement has some potential issues"
Tried to undo the change "property: country", but received this message box instead:
------------------------------ Do not change first line You tried to change the first line on a file page. The first line should always be a heading or a template. If you want to add some information write it into the template. If you want to report an error with the file please use the talk page. In case you were actually making an acceptable contribution, please report this error here. Thank you ------------------------------
--- Full text: --- Hello Sadads, my aim is to keep Wiki Commons 'Structured Data' as consistent as possible. -- Your addition is currently marked by an exclamation mark in a circle stating "This statement has some potential issues". The cause is an "allowed-entity-types constraint: The property ***country*** should not be used on this type of entity, the only valid entity types are: ...LIST...". Your intent, which I thoroughly respect, was to indicate the country within which this image was taken. I have always taken to the following alternative method to indicate this fact: simply add an additional qualifier "located in the administrative territorial entity: Germany" to the statement "location of creation". -- NOTE concerning structured data inconsistency: this method was OK till approx. 2021, was then indicated as a "potential issue", but is now again the preferred method. -- Thank you for your continued motivation to improve Wiki Commons!
--- Accepted text --- Hello Sadads, my aim is to keep Wiki Commons 'structured data' as consistent as possible. -- Your addition is currently marked as "This statement has some potential issues". The cause is an "allowed-entity-types constraint: The property *country* should not be used on this type of entity,...". Your intent, which I duly respect, was to indicate the country this image was taken. -- My method: add a qualifier "located in the administrative territorial entity: Germany" to "location of creation". ThxEnd of test area 28
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